Laal Kaptaan is an upcoming Indian Hindi-language epic action drama film written and directed by Navdeep Singh. The film is produced by Eros International and Producer Aanand L Rai's Colour Yellow Productions. Starring Saif Ali Khan, it revolves around a Naga Sadhu on the hunt to seek revenge. Manav Vij plays the antagonist. Watch all about the films in a candid interview with Deepak Dobriyal, Manav Vij, Zoya Hussain, Navdeep Singh with Omar Qureshi on his show "Shooting Stars with Omar".
- October 24, 2020
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- Show Bizz
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Exclusive Interview with the prominent cast of Aashram web series Aaditi Pohankar and Darshan Kumaar.
The celebrities share their experiences while making Aashram the epic series on MX Player.
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