Every woman likes to keep themselves well groomed, be it a Teenager working professional or a Homemaker And lockdown has restricted access to salons
- February 21, 2018
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- Vlog Arena
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With the ever-changing times, the struggles that an actor faces whilst performing are still the same. The thoughts like “ How to get out of my head?” or “I feel fatigued and emotionally exhausted post a role!” continue to plague actors on a regular basis. The feeling of being trapped on set and repeating the scene in a monotonous way is something, which really plays on an actors’ mind on a regular basis.
These questions might seem overwhelming for an actor but in reality the answer is a simple one. How to get rid of the mindless chatter in your head you ask? Mindfulness and meditation are the answer. Actors require a lot of creativity and their skill is one that can be emotionally very exhausting. Therefore for them zoning out and experiencing a state of no mind can be bliss! It will not only recharge their batteries but also help them channel their inner creativity.
Just like for his body an actor hits the gym and embraces the trending super foods to get that fit or buff look, in the same way, mindfulness and meditation is food for the soul which is a much needed ammunition for an individual in the fast paced world of acting. It helps us disconnect from the constant need to respond to any external stimuli.
Many people have a block in their minds of meditation involving sitting at length with no thoughts plaguing their mind or being quiet. But instead a simple walk in nature without your phone can be an act of meditation. Without the need to constantly respond to stimuli i.e your cell phone you can help get connected to your thoughts and observe them with a detachment. This will help you embrace and understand all that is happening within you.
Just like acting requires constant takes and retakes, there are some days your meditation will involve being stuck with your repeated thoughts. The point is to practice it on a regular basis non-judgmentally as it eventually leads to a place where it helps quiet the mind thereby giving you the chance to be more creative as well as give you more energy.
Recently, even science has backed up a number of benefits of meditation tracking its long-term effects. It has been proven that meditation brings about a lot of personal energy and with time and continuous practice the moments of being in your head happen less frequently.
Many at times an actor getting paid for his job whilst on set is paralyzed by fear and with the dread of getting the scene wrong. This ends up making him less likely to take risks and it ends up blocking his creativity. At times like this when you are feeling stuck, it is advisable to be mindful. Breathe. Take a moment or two. Try to connect with your surroundings and your partner. Listening and practicing an improv scene with your coworker can be very helpful. You might then be able to find that relaxed state of mind from where you can play the scene with spontaneity. Alternatively, even getting off the set and taking a walk to clear your head can help give you a fresh perspective on the scene. Sometimes having a good tête-à-tête with your director can help give you some clarity.
The trick is to remember, there will be good days and bad days. There will be days when you will be feeling your character and your scene and there will be days you might not. Some days it might look like you are overworking or pushing yourself to get the scene right and some days it might happen effortlessly. Either way, it will pass and you will get through it. The director and his team have shown faith in you and you need to do that for yourself as well. An important thing is to just listen. Listening to the line as if it is being heard for the first time without being stuck in your head would be ideal for you to get into the space of feeling your creativity flowing. And as long as you enjoy performing your mojo is sure to return!